Jo Young Jo Young

Surrender and Falling Away.... 

For some, the beginning of the year is filled with celebration, champagne, resolutions, and hopes for the new year ahead. But for me, this year was something altogether different.

I couldn't put my finger on it at first. I was preparing for a trip I was really excited about, I seemingly had so many things to look forward to, was coming off of being with family for the holidays, and yet I couldn't seem to pull myself out of the fog of sadness that I was feeling.

I kept trying to pull myself up by the bootstraps, longing to feel differently. I wanted to feel inspired, joyful, full of celebration; and yet... I didn't.

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Jo Young Jo Young


As the leaves fall from the trees and the days turn shorter and colder, I’ve felt a real resonance watching the squirrels in my yard do their annual Fall preparations.

I don’t know if it is the actual season, or the season of life I’m in, but I can really relate to those squirrels. I relate to the tireless effort and urgency… Only I don’t know what I’m preparing for.

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Jo Young Jo Young

You Matter

When I began coaching, I attended a business building workshop focused on identifying who my Ideal Client would be. While I struggled a bit to determine who I felt I could best serve, I knew exactly what I wanted to say. That message has been at the forefront of my mission from day one, and it has never been more needed by people than right now.

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Jo Young Jo Young

The Edge of Change

Have you ever been faced with a decision where you are equal parts terrified AND excited?

That’s what I found myself feeling this week as I was contemplating a big business decision. At first I was full steam ahead, pedal to the metal, a full body YES. But just as quickly as I felt myself light up with excitement at the thought of the opportunity, I found myself slamming on the brakes, barreling forward into a debilitating amount of self doubt.

So, what happened? Was I really this indecisive?

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Jo Young Jo Young

Choose YOU

Many inspirational leaders have talked about our innate need to “belong”. We all want to feel like we fit somewhere, like we are a part of something and that we have something to contribute. We all want to be acknowledged and validated.

Let’s face it, we all have the need to feel CHOSEN!

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Jo Young Jo Young

Lessons I Learned From My Plants

I woke up on January 1st, 2023 planning on working out, journaling, and reflecting on 2022; what I loved, what I would change, and what I learned. But what happened was the same thing that often happens: I got “busy doing".

However, as I was “busy” pruning my plants (for propagation and repotting), it occurred to me that what I was doing for my plants was exactly what I wanted to do for myself in 2023…

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Jo Young Jo Young

Unconditional SELF Love

It's February 15th, and this year, there is a different kind of love that has me still pondering the day after Valentine's Day. The LOVE I am talking about is the love I have for me... Self-Love. It's become a word we throw around, but what does it actually mean?

For me, I believe the greatest love we can strive for is that elusive thing called Unconditional Love. But what does it really mean to love something unconditionally?

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