You Matter
When I began coaching, I attended a business building workshop focused on identifying who my Ideal Client would be. While I struggled a bit to determine who I felt I could best serve, I knew exactly what I wanted to say. That message has been at the forefront of my mission from day one, and it has never been more needed by people than right now.
YOU matter! What you feel, What you think, What you desire in this life MATTERS!
When you feel that you matter to the collective, you realize how important each and every person is. You realize that in this very unpredictable world, the only guarantee you have is right now; that every second of your life is sacred. You are here for a reason and a purpose, and how you use your sacred life impacts every other life around you.
None of us are here by mistake or on a solo mission. We are all here as equals, to journey through this human experience together. How we do that MATTERS! How you choose to show up in the world not only determines the quality of your life, but impacts every life you meet along the way. The ripples you create become waves.
Think about how it feels when someone shares a gesture of kindness, or gives you an unexpected compliment or a word of encouragement. Do you walk away feeling different? Feeling appreciated? Feeling seen? This is the ripple effect I’m speaking of. Then you have the opportunity to pay it forward, to put out your own act of kindness into the world. To share what was given. To make someone feel special so they feel they matter too!
Sadly, the opposite is also true. When someone takes their anger out on you, or when their fear shuts you down, this also has a ripple effect. This also creates waves.
With all of the chaos being played out in the world, and the divisiveness that can start to feel “normal”, you get to make a choice…
What do you want your ripple to be?
You can jump on the fear train or the bandwagon of the blame game, OR you can choose to step up and realize that the actions of each and every one of us matters! We impact each other! How we respond to the circumstances in front of us, matters!
You can choose to let the fear of what you don’t understand be divisive, or you can choose to see each and EVERY life as sacred. You can choose to spread hate or you can choose to spread love. It MATTERS!
So, when the world feels too big, too scary, too chaotic, and you start to feel that your voice and your actions and your life don’t matter - I am here to remind you… You are loved, you are valued and YOU matter!
I encourage you to see beyond the skin color, the religious affiliations, the gender identities, the sexual preferences of others - and see the human being underneath. The human being that has a life, has a family, has a history and a story - just like you. Choose to see the similarities rather than the differences. See this person as being someone who matters… because we ALL do!