The Edge of Change

Have you ever been faced with a decision where you are equal parts terrified AND excited? 

That’s what I found myself feeling this week as I was contemplating a big business decision. At first I was full steam ahead, pedal to the metal, a full body YES. But just as quickly as I felt myself light up with excitement at the thought of the opportunity, I found myself slamming on the brakes, barreling forward into a debilitating amount of self doubt. 

So, what happened? Was I really this indecisive? 

When the opportunity was first presented to me, I tuned in and listened to my inner guidance, and I knew my answer! Everything in my body was a green light. 

And then my mind took over, and demanded to be heard. It nagged at me…

  • What are you doing? You are in the time of your life where people slow down, not gear up! 

  • You have no idea what you’re doing, so why would you take such a risk? 

  • Do you really want to invest this much time, energy and money in something that may fail? 

  • Who do you think you are to pull this off? 

Sound familiar?

If you’ve ever contemplated making a big change in your life, you know exactly what the mind’s voice sounds like. It’s that irritatingly pervasive voice that causes us to question the very thing that lit us up just moments before. 

Your mind’s voice can leave you feeling paralyzed in fear that you will make the “wrong” decision. It’s the metaphorical “fence” we all sit on at times. Do you stay on the side of comfort and known outcomes, OR do you follow the calling that’s telling you to jump and take a chance?

After much back and forth, and putting in my best effort to push the thought of this new opportunity aside, it came down to the very thing I tell my coaching clients every day - 

Trust yourself - YOU are always worth the investment! 

And guess what? It will not feel comfortable at first. But don’t let that stop you! 

Whenever you contemplate change in your life, it will almost certainly elicit fear! It’s your mind’s job to keep you in the safety of your comfort zones, even when you have grossly outgrown them. There’s no upleveling and growth without self doubt messages flooding in. And those suckers feel real! But here’s the thing…they aren’t. They’re just your thoughts. 


 So, the next time your mind wants to take you down a road of doubt and fear, interrupt it… pause and breathe! Remind yourself that your warning lights are showing you that you are about to change the rules and steer yourself in a new direction. It’s letting you know that the outcome is uncertain. 

Instead, choose to reassure yourself that you are safe, and then take your seat behind the wheel. Your mind might not like this, but when your body lights up with excitement, you will KNOW you have taken the road to GROWTH, which leads you straight to YOU and the life you deserve! 

If you need help seeing things from a new perspective, reach out. I’m here to help steer you in the direction of your desires.


You Matter


Choose YOU