For years, I was “happy” trying to be everything to everyone.
Growing up in a home with alcoholism and divorce, I spent the majority of my adult life trying to avoid repeating my family’s mistakes. But instead, my quest to be the “perfect” mother, wife, friend, and employee left me feeling depleted and lost.
My mid-life “crisis” was when I realized I didn’t recognize myself anymore. My once engaged brain seemed to be in a fog, my body was changing in ways I didn’t recognize, my adult children didn’t need me in the same way, and my life lacked purpose. I no longer had a role to play in order to feel valuable.
What I learned was that by prioritizing pleasing others, I had given up on myself. I had given up on living a whole-hearted life — one that I cared about from every perspective.
Then I found coaching...
What I know now is this…
Being selfish is the most loving thing you can do!
Sounds crazy, right? (Don’t worry! I’m not talking about the mean, uncaring kind of selfish.) I’m talking about putting yourself first so you have something to offer.
Because the truth is...
We simply can’t give what we don’t have.
No matter what void you’re trying to fill, it can’t happen until you build a rich, fulfilling inner life, where you are the priority.
I no longer live in the story of who I think I'm supposed to be, and instead live in the freedom of who I authentically am.
“I’m in constant awe of how life changing Jo’s coaching has been for me. It’s amazing what loving myself has brought back to me.”
— Naomi